I had hoped to get more information about the exam and the law, but I didn't get much. I did, however, get the email address of the OT person in Misrad Habriut (Health Ministry). I also found out that the exam will be "American questions"-- aka, multiple choice. And that the Ministry doesn't know too much about the exam, and won't have one ready for the summer. Oh, and also, that I can't take the exam if I'm not a citizen. Meh.
So...right, this is just going to take time...it's a good thing I'm working for a year-- that way there won't be a question of having done staj (internship) or not. But I'm going to get a letter anyway.
To register for the exam I will need:
2 passport pictures.
A copy of your Teudat Zehut, including the appendix with your address (“sefakh”).
Final diploma or a certificate from the university indicating completion of studies, fulfillment of all of the university’s requirements and eligibility for a diploma in the relevant field, which will be granted at a specified date.
Official certification indicating the start and end date of studies.
Official certification of completion of an internship (“stage”) or, alternatively, for people who studied abroad, official certification about work done in the field abroad, with a valid license, for at least one year.
Official certifications of work experience, from the relevant medical institutions, indicating the start and end date of work in each institution.
Valid license.
A letter of good standing from the relevant authorities in the country that you made Aliyah from, proving that you never received complaints about discipline, negligence or professional ethics.
An application requesting to be tested in the relevant field. The forms are available online at: http://www.health.gov.il/pages/default.a

And if the documents are in a language other than Hebrew or Arabic, they must be translated and notarized (which, by the way, is a lot of money. because I did some-- the ones I have). So far I have (translated and notarized):
Final diploma (BS and MS)
Valid license
Yeah, not much...
I still need:
2 passport pictures.
A copy of your Teudat Zehut, including the appendix with your address (“sefakh”).
Official certification indicating the start and end date of studies.
Official certification of completion of an internship (“stage”) or, alternatively, for people who studied abroad, official certification about work done in the field abroad, with a valid license, for at least one year.
Official certifications of work experience, from the relevant medical institutions, indicating the start and end date of work in each institution.
A letter of good standing from the relevant authorities in the country that you made Aliyah from, proving that you never received complaints about discipline, negligence or professional ethics.
An application requesting to be tested in the relevant field. The forms are available online at: http://www.health.gov.il/pages/default.a

The passport pictures aren't a big deal, I just have to get them done (and shoudl go to Israel with a small stack of them-- like 20 or so). I can't get the teudat zehut (ID card) until...well, I get citizenship. I have to get a letter from my school stating the start and end dates of studies. I have to get letters from the DOE and OTANY (I really hope I get to work there again, it's a great place). And I'm going to send a request for the letter of good standing to the Licensing Board in NY and the NBCOT (the national board that certified OTs and OTAs) probably in September. The application I just print out and fill in/out.
Shwaya, shwaya...
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