For a while there was a suspension on the licensing of occupational therapists. Well now there is a ruling(taken from the Nefesh B'Nefesh website):
Professional Certification
The Ministry of Health is now requiring anyone with less than 5 years of work experience in your field in Israel, to take an exam and do an internship (“stage”). The five year period must be completed by January 30, 2010.
The Ministry of Health is in the process of clarifying the details pertaining to this new law, including: what constitutes work experience in your field in Israel, the dates of the exam, the content of the exam, study materials, etc. Nefesh B’Nefesh is in contact with the Ministry of Health and as we learn additional information, we will post it on the web site.
You can find the Ministry of Health’s summary of the law (in Hebrew) at:
Nefesh B’Nefesh translated the Hebrew text on the Ministry of Health web site (below). Please note that this translation has not been reviewed or approved by the Ministry of Health. In case of any specific question or lack of clarity in the translation, please refer to the original Hebrew text online on the Ministry of Health site.
Professional Recognition for Para-Medical Professions
[Translation as of September 10, 2009]
Law of Professional Recognition for Health Professions for 2008
On July 30th, 2008, the Law of Professional Recognition for Health Professions, 2008 was publicized. The law will be valid as of January 30th, 2009. At present, the Ministry of Health is making the necessary preparations in order to put this law into effect. This document is designed to provide guidance for individuals who are interested in receiving recognition from the Ministry of Health. If there are instances where this document contradicts the text of the law itself, the law itself is binding.
Starting on January 1, 2009, it will be possible to receive professional recognition through the Department of Licensing of Medical Professions for the following fields: physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, dieticians.
Requests for recognition should be submitted through local Ministry of Health offices. Residents of Jerusalem, Akko, Nazareth, Zefat, Afulah, Tiberias and Beer Sheva should send their requests in registered mail directly to the Department for Licensing of Medical Professions at the following address:
Ha’Agaf L’Rishuoy Miktso’ot Refu’iyim
Misrad Habriut
Rechov Ben Tabai 2
Graduates who completed recognized academic degree programs in one of the aforementioned fields, in an institution recognized by the Council for Higher Education in Israel or in an institution abroad that is recognized by the Council, can submit a request for degree recognition. The following documents must be included with the request:
1. 3 passport pictures.
2. 2 copies of your Teudat Zehut, including the appendix with your address (“sefakh”).
3. Final diploma in one of the medical professions listed above, or a certificate from the university indicating completion of studies, fulfillment of all of the university’s requirements and eligibility for a diploma in the relevant field, which will be granted at a specified date.
4. Official certification indicating the start and end date of studies.
5. Official certification of completion of an internship (“stage”) or, alternatively, for people who studied abroad, official certification about work done in the field abroad, with a valid license, for at least one year.
6. In the relevant situations: Official certifications of work experience, from the relevant medical institutions, indicating the start and end date of work in each institution.
7. For graduates who studied abroad: A letter of professional honesty from the appropriate body in the country that you made Aliyah from, proving that the applicant never received complaints about discipline, negligence or professional ethics.
8. An application form.
9. An application requesting to be tested in the relevant field.
1. Copies much be validated by an Israeli notary. Documents that are not written in Hebrew or Arabic, must be translated to Hebrew using a recognized translator in Israel.
2. All documents must be submitted in two copies. If the copies have been validated by a notary in Israel or translated to Hebrew by an Israel-recognized translator, you must submit the notarized copy plus an additional copy.
Granting degree recognition using conditions that are more lenient –
Rules relating to the transitional period:
To have your degree recognized, you must meet the following requirements.
1. Over the age of 18.
2. Israeli citizenship or Israeli resident.
3. Not carrying an infectious disease.
4. No conviction in Israel or abroad of criminal or disciplinary action, which (due to the nature, severity or circumstances surrounding the action), led to loss of eligibility for recognition as a medical professional. (No indictment of this kind has been initiated or submitted, even if it is still in process and has not been completed.)
5. Speech therapists: Basic knowledge of Hebrew.
In addition, you must fall into one of the following categories:
Category A: If you have a certificate indicating that you are recognized.
1. You fall into this category if you have a certificate indicating that you are recognized on a permanent or temporary basis. The certificate must have been valid as of July 22, 2005.
2. This is adequate provided that you submit a request for certification prior to January 30, 2010.
Category B: If you have academic background in a health-related field and five years of experience in the field in Israel
1. You fall into this category if you have a recognized academic degree in a health-related field from a recognized institution.
2. You must have worked in the field (for a fairly substantive number of hours per week) for at least five years in Israel (until January 30, 2009).
3. You must prove that you have knowledge and experience in the field.
4. This is adequate on condition that you submit a request for recognition until January 30, 2010.
Category C: If you have academic background in a health related field, without five years of experience in the field in Israel
1. You fall into this category is you have a recognized academic degree in a health-related field, from a recognized institution.
2. You must have worked in the field in Israel (until January 30, 2009).
3. You must prove that you have knowledge and experience in the field.
4. You are eligible to receive temporary certification which will be valid until July 30, 2010.
5. In order to receive permanent certification you will need to complete an internship (“stage”) and an exam.
6. Receipt of permanent certification in this instance, may also be dependent on additional considerations.
Category D: If you do not have an academic degree in a health-related field, but you do have five years of experience in the field in Israel
1. You fall into this category if you worked in the field (for a fairly substantive number of hours per week) for at least five years, in Israel (until January 30, 2009).
2. You must have appropriate academic background, knowledge and experience.
3. You must take a special exam, prior to January 30, 2011.
4. This is adequate on condition that you submit a request for certification until January 30, 2010.
5. Receipt of certification in this instance, may also be dependent on completing additional studies in a recognized institution for higher education, completion of an internship and passing additional exams.
Category E: If you started your studies in a non-academic program which is recognized by this body
1.You fall into this category if you started your studies until January 30, 2009, in a non-academic track that is recognized by this body for the purposes of professional certification recognition, and if you will complete your studies before July 30, 2012.
2.You must pass a special exam.
3.You must complete an internship (“stage”) and pass the (regular) exam.
4.This is adequate provided that you submit a request at least a year prior to completing studies.
5.Receipt of certification in this instance, may also be dependent on completing additional studies in an institution for higher education, completion of an internship and additional exams.
So I don't know what this means for me practically. I emailed someone from the employment office at NBN and am waiting to hear back. I know I have a headache now.
Professional Certification
The Ministry of Health is now requiring anyone with less than 5 years of work experience in your field in Israel, to take an exam and do an internship (“stage”). The five year period must be completed by January 30, 2010.
The Ministry of Health is in the process of clarifying the details pertaining to this new law, including: what constitutes work experience in your field in Israel, the dates of the exam, the content of the exam, study materials, etc. Nefesh B’Nefesh is in contact with the Ministry of Health and as we learn additional information, we will post it on the web site.
You can find the Ministry of Health’s summary of the law (in Hebrew) at:

Nefesh B’Nefesh translated the Hebrew text on the Ministry of Health web site (below). Please note that this translation has not been reviewed or approved by the Ministry of Health. In case of any specific question or lack of clarity in the translation, please refer to the original Hebrew text online on the Ministry of Health site.
Professional Recognition for Para-Medical Professions
[Translation as of September 10, 2009]
Law of Professional Recognition for Health Professions for 2008
On July 30th, 2008, the Law of Professional Recognition for Health Professions, 2008 was publicized. The law will be valid as of January 30th, 2009. At present, the Ministry of Health is making the necessary preparations in order to put this law into effect. This document is designed to provide guidance for individuals who are interested in receiving recognition from the Ministry of Health. If there are instances where this document contradicts the text of the law itself, the law itself is binding.
Starting on January 1, 2009, it will be possible to receive professional recognition through the Department of Licensing of Medical Professions for the following fields: physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, dieticians.
Requests for recognition should be submitted through local Ministry of Health offices. Residents of Jerusalem, Akko, Nazareth, Zefat, Afulah, Tiberias and Beer Sheva should send their requests in registered mail directly to the Department for Licensing of Medical Professions at the following address:
Ha’Agaf L’Rishuoy Miktso’ot Refu’iyim
Misrad Habriut
Rechov Ben Tabai 2
Graduates who completed recognized academic degree programs in one of the aforementioned fields, in an institution recognized by the Council for Higher Education in Israel or in an institution abroad that is recognized by the Council, can submit a request for degree recognition. The following documents must be included with the request:
1. 3 passport pictures.
2. 2 copies of your Teudat Zehut, including the appendix with your address (“sefakh”).
3. Final diploma in one of the medical professions listed above, or a certificate from the university indicating completion of studies, fulfillment of all of the university’s requirements and eligibility for a diploma in the relevant field, which will be granted at a specified date.
4. Official certification indicating the start and end date of studies.
5. Official certification of completion of an internship (“stage”) or, alternatively, for people who studied abroad, official certification about work done in the field abroad, with a valid license, for at least one year.
6. In the relevant situations: Official certifications of work experience, from the relevant medical institutions, indicating the start and end date of work in each institution.
7. For graduates who studied abroad: A letter of professional honesty from the appropriate body in the country that you made Aliyah from, proving that the applicant never received complaints about discipline, negligence or professional ethics.
8. An application form.
9. An application requesting to be tested in the relevant field.
1. Copies much be validated by an Israeli notary. Documents that are not written in Hebrew or Arabic, must be translated to Hebrew using a recognized translator in Israel.
2. All documents must be submitted in two copies. If the copies have been validated by a notary in Israel or translated to Hebrew by an Israel-recognized translator, you must submit the notarized copy plus an additional copy.
Granting degree recognition using conditions that are more lenient –
Rules relating to the transitional period:
To have your degree recognized, you must meet the following requirements.
1. Over the age of 18.
2. Israeli citizenship or Israeli resident.
3. Not carrying an infectious disease.
4. No conviction in Israel or abroad of criminal or disciplinary action, which (due to the nature, severity or circumstances surrounding the action), led to loss of eligibility for recognition as a medical professional. (No indictment of this kind has been initiated or submitted, even if it is still in process and has not been completed.)
5. Speech therapists: Basic knowledge of Hebrew.
In addition, you must fall into one of the following categories:
Category A: If you have a certificate indicating that you are recognized.
1. You fall into this category if you have a certificate indicating that you are recognized on a permanent or temporary basis. The certificate must have been valid as of July 22, 2005.
2. This is adequate provided that you submit a request for certification prior to January 30, 2010.
Category B: If you have academic background in a health-related field and five years of experience in the field in Israel
1. You fall into this category if you have a recognized academic degree in a health-related field from a recognized institution.
2. You must have worked in the field (for a fairly substantive number of hours per week) for at least five years in Israel (until January 30, 2009).
3. You must prove that you have knowledge and experience in the field.
4. This is adequate on condition that you submit a request for recognition until January 30, 2010.
Category C: If you have academic background in a health related field, without five years of experience in the field in Israel
1. You fall into this category is you have a recognized academic degree in a health-related field, from a recognized institution.
2. You must have worked in the field in Israel (until January 30, 2009).
3. You must prove that you have knowledge and experience in the field.
4. You are eligible to receive temporary certification which will be valid until July 30, 2010.
5. In order to receive permanent certification you will need to complete an internship (“stage”) and an exam.
6. Receipt of permanent certification in this instance, may also be dependent on additional considerations.
Category D: If you do not have an academic degree in a health-related field, but you do have five years of experience in the field in Israel
1. You fall into this category if you worked in the field (for a fairly substantive number of hours per week) for at least five years, in Israel (until January 30, 2009).
2. You must have appropriate academic background, knowledge and experience.
3. You must take a special exam, prior to January 30, 2011.
4. This is adequate on condition that you submit a request for certification until January 30, 2010.
5. Receipt of certification in this instance, may also be dependent on completing additional studies in a recognized institution for higher education, completion of an internship and passing additional exams.
Category E: If you started your studies in a non-academic program which is recognized by this body
1.You fall into this category if you started your studies until January 30, 2009, in a non-academic track that is recognized by this body for the purposes of professional certification recognition, and if you will complete your studies before July 30, 2012.
2.You must pass a special exam.
3.You must complete an internship (“stage”) and pass the (regular) exam.
4.This is adequate provided that you submit a request at least a year prior to completing studies.
5.Receipt of certification in this instance, may also be dependent on completing additional studies in an institution for higher education, completion of an internship and additional exams.
So I don't know what this means for me practically. I emailed someone from the employment office at NBN and am waiting to hear back. I know I have a headache now.
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